Personnages · Service Étranger

Romanian Paramedics Skin


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Salut! Acesta este un skin bazat pe uniformele paramedicilor din Romania.
Pentru a instala skin-ul trebuie sa urmati instructiunile din fisierul original , iar apoi inlocuiti fisierele .ytd cu cele din arhiva "ambulanta"
Sper sa iti placa!
Model Original:
Hello! This is a skin based on the uniforms of Romanian paramedics.
To install the skin you must follow the instructions in the original file, and then replace the .ytd files with those in the "ambulanta" archive.
I hope you like it!
Original Model:

Statistiques du mod

184 0 0 0

0 Points notables

0 Réalisme 0 Facilité d'installation 0 Originalité 0 Jouabilité

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