Alfa Romeo Giulia Politia Romana [Replace][ELS][update]
[RO]Salut, aceasta este o masina facuta in cadrul proiectului ROMODS, un proiect inceput in 2020 care se bazeaza pe recreearea masinilor romanesti! Speram sa va fie de folos si sa apreciati munca depusa de membrii acestui proiect Gabi(bgabriell-discord), Alex(alexandrustefan.-discord), Edddy(edddy-discord). Tinem sa va mentionam faptul ca in realitate masinile nu sunt perfecte si nu pot fi nici in acest joc perfecte, dar daca intampinati BUG-uri sau alte probleme la instalarea acestor moduri in pc-ul dumneavoastra va rugam sa ne scrieti in mesaj pe discord pe contul (romods), va dorim utilizare placuta!
[EN]Hello, this is a car made within the ROMODS project, a project started in 2020 that is based on the recreation of Romanian cars! We hope you find it useful and appreciate the work done by the members of this project Gabi(bgabriell-discord), Alex(alexandrustefan.-discord), Edddy(edddy-discord). We want to mention the fact that in reality the cars are not perfect and they can't be perfect in this game either, but if you encounter BUGs or other problems when installing these mods on your PC, please write to us in a message on discord on account (romods), we wish you pleasant use!
Photos By: alexandrustefan. (discord)
Livery By: alexandrustefan. (discord)
Siren By: romods (discord)
Original Model :
Conversion : bgabriell (discord)
3d edit : romods (discord)
Known Bugs:
- The rear axle is higher.
Do not uploat another paintjob without my permission
=========================How to install========================
Go and put my files here using OpenIV mods/update/x64/dlcpacks/
Car name: police
Support on or contact romods on discord
Photos By: alexandrustefan. (discord)
Livery By: alexandrustefan. (discord)
Siren By: romods (discord)
Original Model :
Conversion : bgabriell (discord)
3d edit : romods (discord)