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Dacia Logan MCV Politia V2 [ELS]


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Salut! Acesta este un Dacia Logan MCV bazat pe masinile Politiei Romane.
Versiunea "V2" aduce:
-O versiune imbunatatita a masinii , mai bine proportionata
-O rampa luminoasa mai apropiata fata de cea reala
-Un interior refacut cu echipament nou
Sper sa iti placa!

Hello! This is a Dacia Logan MCV based on the cars of the Romanian Police.
Version "V2 " brings:
-An improved version of the car, better proportioned
-A lightbar that looks like the real one
-A rebuilt interior with new police equipment
I hope you like it!

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Statistiques du mod

851 0 2 0

0 Points notables

0 Réalisme 0 Facilité d'installation 0 Originalité 0 Jouabilité

2 Commentaires

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